Katrina By the Numbers: $10.5 Billion in Claims Paid in Miss.
There have been 483,693 claims filed and more than $10.5 billion paid to Mississippians for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, according to the Mississippi Insurance Department.
Those numbers were as of August 1, 2006 and include figures from private insurance companies, the Mississippi Residential Property Insurance Underwriting Association, the Mississippi Windstorm Underwriting Association, and the National Flood Insurance
To mark the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Mississippi Insurance Department released a report, “Katrina: By the Numbers,” which also showed an 83 percent success rate for the department’s hurricane claim mediation program.
Other numbers from MID:
• 236,372 -$7,622,989,516 -the number of claims filed and amount paid out in claims in Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson counties for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
• 2960 – the number of requests for mediation filed through the MID
Hurricane Katrina Mediation Program
• 1790 – the number of mediation cases settled through the MID Hurricane Katrina Mediation Program as of August 18, 2006
• 55,000 – the approximate number of Katrina related calls taken by the MID Consumer Services Division since Aug, 29, 2005 (does not include Katrina related calls taken by other MID staff)
• 16,000 – $10,570,000 – the number of claims directly handled and claims payments collected for consumers by the MID Consumer Services Division as of Julky 31, 2006 utilizing approximately 25,000 man-hours by MID Consumer Services staff and 8,400 volunteer man-hours from employees of other state insurance departments across the country
• 18,891-$2,354,660,628 the number of flood claims filed and amount paid out for flood claims in Mississippi as of August 1, 2006
51%- The flood policy growth rate for Mississippi in the past 12 months, according to the National Flood Insurance Program
Source: Mississippi Insurance Department