Lexington, Ky. Airport Named as Third-Party Defendant
In Kentucky, Comair has filed a third-party complaint against Blue Grass Airport, where one of the airline’s planes crashed last year, killing 49 people.
The complaint was filed in a lawsuit that was brought by the family of a victim in the Aug. 27 crash of Flight 5191 as the plane attempted to take off from the wrong runway.
The third-party complaint names the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Airport Board, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Airport Corporation and 20 unnamed airport employees, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.
The complaint, filed Monday, alleges the airport was negligent with airport construction, in providing inaccurate information about taxiways and in having inadequate runway markings and lighting.
The complaint came in a lawsuit filed by the family of Rebecca Adams in Fayette County Circuit Court, the newspaper said. The airline wants the airport to share in the liability in the Adams estate’s case and for damage at a nearby farm where the plane crashed.
In a suit pending in federal court in Lexington, Comair asks that the airport and Federal Aviation Administration share liability in the crash.
Information from: Lexington Herald-Leader,
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