Insurer Pays $5 Million in Deaths of 2 Bicyclists in South Carolina
An insurance company is paying $5 million to settle a case of a North Carolina driver that struck and killed two bicyclists in South Carolina.
The State newspaper reported that a federal judge approved the settlement for the family of Tom Hoskins.
Hoskins and Lee Anne Barry were killed in Lancaster County in 2007. Barry was on the last leg of a cross-country ride to raise awareness for brain injuries. Hoskins had joined her for the last portion.
Sharon King of Greensboro, N.C., was charged with reckless homicide and later pleaded guilty to reckless driving.
Lawyers for the cyclists’ estates were prepared to argue King was on a cell phone at the time of the crash. In December, a judge approved a $2.5 million settlement in state civil court for Barry’s death.