Cunningham Lindsey Creates Miami Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean

September 21, 2015

Cunningham Lindsey announced the creation of a new Miami hub from which it plans to expand the support it offers to clients across Central and South America and the Caribbean.

The Miami-hub will focus on property business (including business interruption, power generation, machinery breakdown, onshore energy and mining) as well as casualty business including general third party liability, hotel and resorts’ liability, products, product contamination and related product recall, pollution and employers’ liability.

Led by Peter Ravey, a major and complex loss adjuster and Miami hub Director for Latin America and Caribbean at Cunningham Lindsey, the hub will offer loss adjusting, audit & review and training services to insurers and reinsurers across all classes of casualty, property and special risks business in the region.

Cunningham Lindsey also announced three senior appointments to further enhance its service in Latin America and the Caribbean. Laura de Sordi has been appointed strategic business development leader for the region; Kevin Innes becomes senior adjuster/Caribbean operations managers and Rafael Calzadilla, lawyer/senior adjuster. All three will be based in the new Miami hub office.

Laura de Sordi will be responsible for further enhancing relationships with existing clients, assisting with complex loss claims settlements and developing new business opportunities across the region and globally. De Sordi previously spent 12 years at Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A, based in London, where she was head of the Legal Department for Insurance Affairs, head of Group Underwriting Claims Unit and head of Global Risk Specialty Lines Claims – which incorporated responsibility for aviation, marine, property, engineering and casualty claims in Latin America and Spain.

Kevin Innes previously worked at McLarens Global for 15 years, where he was regional manager, Caribbean (Global Shareholder) Global Management Team and director of Regional Catastrophe Operations. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on all areas of the claims process, and in particular, loss analysis, loss management, operations, adjusting, claims administration, finance, risk evaluation and marketing.

Rafael Calzadilla, has 16 years’ experience of reinsurance underwriting, broking and claims handling in Latin America and the Caribbean. His experience spans the management and administration of facultative reinsurance for casualty and property portfolios, reinsurance broking and placing programs to liability, property and marine claims handling and risk management services for clients based across the region. He is also a bilingual attorney registered to practice law in Venezuela, and he can advise on proceedings and regional regulatory rules and on the scope and limits of coverage for liability and property policies, in addition to training clients on various aspects of third party liability.

Source: Cunningham Lindsey