Ueberroth Visits San Diego; Says ‘You Can’t Spend Your Way out of a Problem’

September 4, 2003

Looking to drum up support and gain in the polls in the race for California governor, Peter Ueberroth visited San Diego last week and held a town hall meeting in Mission Valley.

Peter Ueberroth
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Ueberroth, who spearheaded both the 1984 Olympic Games and was a former commissioner for Major League Baseball (1984-89), addressed several issues during his visit.

Noting that small businesses are the backbone of productivity, Ueberroth added that “You need to bring jobs back in by giving incentives to small business people.” A hot political issue, Ueberroth also remarked that workers’ comp is the burden and that “California’s about to upchuck over taxes. You can’t spend your way out of a problem.”

Ueberroth also noted that fraud, waste and bureacracy need to be addressed in order to help reign in the budget problems in the state, a state currently facing a $38 billion deficit. “California government is too big and sometimes money isn’t spent properly.”