Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Passes on AB 2406

September 24, 2004

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger this week gave a veto to an assembly bill that requires the State Fire Marshall to form state regulations and statistical protocols requiring local firefighting agencies’ to provide information to the state regarding local fire response times. The Governor sent the following message to members of the assembly.

To the Members of the California State Assembly:

“I am returning Assembly Bill 2406 without my signature. This bill requires the State Fire Marshall to develop state regulations and statistical protocols requiring local firefighting agencies’ to provide information to the state about local fire response times.

“While I fully support ways of improving firefighting agencies’ ability to respond quickly to fire incidents, this bill imposes an unnecessary and costly mandate without demonstrating any improvement in fire safety.

“Fire protection service standards are directly dependent on the local decision-making process. Local agencies are in the best position to evaluate their conditions to match community needs with available resources.

“For these reasons I cannot support this measure.”