Calif. State Fund to Host Restaurant Supervisor Safety Training

October 23, 2006

California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund will sponsor a free restaurant-safety training program for supervisors in Burbank, Calif., on Oct. 25. The workshop is designed to help restaurant managers and owners create a comprehensive health and safety training program for their workers. The seminar will also examine how to reduce compensation costs and increase productivity by reducing injuries.

The featured speaker for the program will be Deogracia Cornelio, who is the associate director of education for UCLA’s Labor Occupational Safety & Health Program (UCLA-LOSH).

Workshop participants will receive educational materials including a restaurant safety-training guide, safety tip sheets, a safety orientation checklist, a model shoe policy, and fact sheets that address issues of concern when employing teens in restaurants.

The workshop will help employers create a one-hour safety training program tailored to individual restaurants. It will also show owners and managers how to engage workers in safety programs, identify ways to prevent injuries and meet Cal/OSHA training requirements

The seminar is from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. at State Fund’s Burbank Office, 2400 W. Empire Avenue, Ste. 100. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and free parking is available. Refreshments will be served at the event. To register, call Nancy Perrah at 323-981-6756, or send a fax to 323-266-5543, or e-mail

The event is hosted by State Fund’s Monterey Park District Office in partnership with the Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) at U.C. Berkeley and UCLA’s Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program (LOSH), with support from the California Restaurant Association (CRA). The event is funded by the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation. This program is part of the Commission’s Worker Occupational Safety and Health Training and Education Program (WOSHTEP).

The Burbank seminar is part of a series of educational programs State Compensation Insurance Fund is holding throughout the state in order to help employers create safe workplaces. State Fund has the largest safety and health services program among California workers’ compensation insurance carriers