Plugged Toilet Prank Leads to $100,000 School Water Damage

September 29, 2014

Two Florence, Mont., middle school students face felony charges after a weekend prank ended up flooding the nearby gym causing up to $100,000 in damage.

Superintendent Bud Scully says two students put a wig and a roll of paper towel in a toilet on Saturday. The toilet ran for 24 hours before staff members came in and noticed the flooding.

The school has contracted with a restoration company to dry the floor, as well as an area under the floor. After that, they’ll bring in a flooring company to recommend repairs.

The damage closed the gym and the nearby school kitchen. Lunches were being served out of the concession stand with Pizza Hut on the menu on Thursday.

Scully says the students have been disciplined. Ravalli County Sheriff Chris Hoffman says the 13-year-olds face felony criminal mischief charges in Youth Court.