MS/B Aids Hurricane Help with Storm Surge Databases

September 14, 2005

Two new storm surge databases from Marshall and Swift / Boeckh (MS/B) are now available for download by users of the IntegriClaim property claims estimator.

The total component databases for Fort Lauderdale and Miami, Florida are ready for download from MS/B’s Web site, Databases for Pensacola and Panama City, Florida, and Mobile, Alabama, which were posted on MS/B’s Web site shortly after Hurricane Dennis, have also been updated. MS/B’s research department continues to monitor material and labor costs in areas affected by Hurricanes Dennis, Katrina, and Ophelia.

MS/B’s researchers are also closely monitoring possible surge pricing in Ontario, Canada, where severe tornadoes swept across a large section of southern Ontario last month, causing nearly 15,000 claims and an estimated $400 million (Canadian) in damages. Storm surge databases are developed, posted, and updated on a regular basis as warranted. The databases are accessible by IntegriClaim
users 24/7 from any browser and are a free service included in MS/B’s
Catastrophe Response Plan.

In a related matter, MS/B executives are visiting storm-affected areas
this week. According to James Thornton, CEO, “Our immediate
goal is to make sure that the support we’re providing to our insurance
carriers and adjuster clients is adequate for the magnitude of the effort down here. We’re here to support our customers and the victims of the disaster through claims relief.”