ASC X12, HR-XML Partner to Develop Common Data Standards in XML Formats

January 23, 2003

The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 and the Human Resources XML (HR-XML) Consortium have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate on data standards development for the insurance/health care industries and human resources.

HR-XML brings XML vocabulary expertise from all aspects of the human resources industry while ASC X12 is a cross-industry standards body with more than 300 plus EDI transactions sets implemented around the world.

The first area of mutual interest HR-XML and ASC X12 will focus on is data standards development in the benefits enrollment arena. Together, they will work to develop an XML version of X12 transaction set 834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance and any other related EDI transaction sets.

In addition to joint development of this XML message, HR-XML and ASC X12 will identify and exchange best practices as the industries the respective organizations represent often share trading partners and the goal to streamline information flow.