Chubb Reports High Marks for Catastrophe Claims Handling Efforts

March 16, 2006

According to the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, 96 percent of the personal insurance customers of the Chubb Group who suffered windstorm losses during this past hurricane season say they were highly satisfied with their overall claims experience.

The finding is based on surveys of customers following Hurricanes Katrina, Wilma and Rita as well as Northeastern windstorms. Even insureds affected by Hurricane Katrina, by far the worst storm of the season, reportedly praised Chubb’s claims handling: Ninety-three percent were highly satisfied with their overall claims experience.

“These are incredible results that demonstrate the value of a Chubb insurance policy,” said Dino Robusto, executive vice president and worldwide claims officer of Chubb & Son. “They are virtually in line with the overall satisfaction ratings we receive on our claims handling throughout the year. Achieving this success in the worst of times is all the more impressive, but our attitude is that these are the expectations we have set with our customers, agents and brokers.”

In total, Chubb surveyed nearly 2,300 customers with storm losses. The survey asked customers to assess promptness, service, ease of submitting a claim, satisfaction with the adjuster’s damage assessment and the fairness of the settlement, among other factors.