La. Dentist Makes Brush with Law

July 13, 2004

Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti, Jr. announced that Shreveport dentist Dr. Constantine Scott Taylor surrendered to Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) Investigators in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, after being charged with 14 counts of Medicaid Fraud.

According to MFCU Investigators, records indicate that Dr. Taylor billed for procedures on days that patients did not have appointments and submitted the bills to the Medicaid program for payment. In one incident, a patient’s chart showed that dental work was performed on a child, but according to the child’s mother, the child did not have an appointment that day and was in school. A note from the school confirmed the child was at school on the day in question.

The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit is also investigating allegations against Dr. Taylor for allegedly physically abusing patients.