Diversified Product Inspections Making Reports Available Via Electronic Transmission
Tennessee-based Diversified Product Inspections Inc., a provider of independent product failure analysis, air contamination and fire investigations for the insurance industry, announced that DPI’s clients will now be sent their product failure analysis reports electronically via a secure PDF file format.
Warren Wankelman, vice president of marketing noted, “Effective Monday, August 8, 2005, DPI started transmitting reports, pictures, and invoices electronically, which will replace the reports being sent via U.S. Mail. These reports will be in a secure encrypted Acrobat Reader format with access only with a password. Subrogation managers, claims managers and adjusters will access this new system via the DPI Web site (www.dpi-inc.com) by registering and setting up an account. While adjusters will only be able to access or view their own claims, managers will be able to view all their company’s reports that have been completed.
“This is a project that our IT staff has been working for over a year. It will provide faster turnaround time for our clients by eliminating two to five days by not having to depend on standard mail for delivery, which also means a significant savings in postage. It also allows our clients to distribute our reports and invoices electronically internally which speeds up and simplifies their procedures, thus making it possible for our invoices to be paid sooner. We are excited about the response from our clients and feel this new ability to serve our clients more efficiently will also save time and money.”