Fla. Launches New Citizens Web Site as Public Meetings Begin
As ordered to do by the state, Citizens Property Insurance Corp. is holding a series of public meetings in Florida to hear suggestions on how it can improve customer service and operate in a more efficient manner.
The state has created a new Web site that will allow interested parties to submit suggestions. The Web site is intended to run in conjunction with three public hearings Citizens is required to hold around the state.
In September, Governor Jeb Bush and members of the Florida Cabinet approved a motion by Attorney General Charlie Crist (governor-elect) which rejected a proposed plan of operation for Citizens, saying it failed to recognize its responsibility to the people it was created to serve. After completing the hearings, Citizens will be required to submit an amended plan of operation by Jan. 31.
The Office of Insurance Regulation launched the Web site on behalf of the Financial Services Commission to allow interested parties who are not able to attend one of the hearings to fill out a form and submit suggestions electronically at www.CitizensForABetterCitizens.com. The Web site also can be accessed through the Office’s website at www.floir.com.
The first public hearing was held last week in Key West. The dates and locations of the other hearings have not been finalized but will be listed on the Citizens for a Better Citizens Web site when they are scheduled.
The order also prohibits Citizens from spending money to hire outside counsel to challenge rate decisions made by the Office of Insurance Regulation.