Myrtle Beach Considers New Parasailing Rules

September 19, 2013

Myrtle Beach, S.C., will consider revising rules on parasailing bringing them in line with new international standards.

The Sun News reports Wednesday that the city’s Beach Advisory Committee is suggesting Myrtle Beach use international standards adopted earlier this year.

The proposal would keep parasails at least 600 yards away from the shore or piers, and they could not soar higher than 500 parasailing rules

Currently, the city prohibits parasailing when sustained winds are 18 mph or greater. Wave heights cannot be 6 feet or higher. New rules prohibit parasailing when wind is 20 mph or greater and when waves are 4 feet or higher.

According to the Parasail Safety Council, 73 people died in parasail accidents between 1982 and 2012. There were also more than 400 accidents that required hospitalization.