Georgia State Patrol to Ramp Up New Year’s Eve Patrols

December 30, 2013

The Georgia State Patrol promises to ramp up New Year’s Eve patrols on the lookout for drunk drivers, and authorities are encouraging residents to plan ahead and avoid the dangers of impaired driving.

The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety is distributing 50,000 coasters around Georgia’s busiest bar districts.

The coasters will contain information on local programs that will offer transportation for would-be drivers during New Year’s Eve revelry. Officials also are highlighting a state smartphone application, called Drive Sober Georgia, that helps residents locate cab and tow companies.

The State Patrol’s Nighthawks unit, meanwhile, will be out in full force, according to the agency.

There were 1,119 alcohol-related crashes during the 2012 holiday period from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Those incidents resulted in 679 injuries and 20 fatalities.