Reinsurance Association of America’s (RAA) Seminar
Re Finance: The ABCs of Financial Reporting and Analysis for Property/Casualty Insurers and Reinsurers
Washington, D.C. – If memories of Enron, Arthur Andersen and WorldCom keep you up at night, register your Audit Committee members for the Reinsurance Association of America’s (RAA) seminar, “Re Finance: The ABCs of Financial Reporting and Analysis for Property/Casualty Insurers and Reinsurers,” September 24-25 in Chicago, Illinois.
Sarbanes-Oxley mandates that officers of a corporation certify that financial reports have been reviewed, do not include untrue statements, and that internal controls are in place to prevent fraud. As a result, Boards and Audit Committees of both public and non-public companies are held to a much higher standard of knowledge about their company and its finances, and are exposed to far greater potential liability than ever before. Audit committees need to examine not only their practices as a committee, but also as individuals. Each director should realistically assess whether he or she has the knowledge, experience, dedication, and time to perform the job effectively. The RAA’s program is an excellent way to ensure that the Board and Audit Committee are following industry best practices in order to meet their fiduciary responsibilities to investors, policyholders and the general public.
RAA’s Re Finance program is not just for Audit Committee members. It is also targeted to non-financial insurance and reinsurance professionals from the claims, law, and underwriting disciplines, as well as professionals from regulatory agencies.
RAA’s Re Finance program, to be held in Chicago, Illinois, on September 24-25, 2007, provides a concise seminar on the key elements of insurance company financial reporting. Taught by industry experts, the program provides participants, who may or may not have a professional financial background, with the elements of financial reporting, differing bases of accounting measurement, including U.S. GAAP and regulatory accounting, and how to read, understand and analyze insurance and reinsurance company financial statements.
Register on-line at (click on ReEd and complete the registration form for Re Finance) or contact Ann-Marie Mwombela at
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004